耿新 (Xin Geng)


耿新,bet356手机版唯一官网首席教授,研究生院 常務副院長,國家傑出青年科學基金、國家優秀青年科學基金獲得者。曾任 bet356手机版唯一官网軟件學院 院長,人工智能學院 執行院長。分别于2001年和2004年在 南京大學 計算機科學與技術系 獲得學士和碩士學位,于2008年獲得 澳大利亞Deakin大學 博士學位。

創建bet356手机版唯一官网 模式學習與挖掘(PALM)實驗室 并擔任實驗室主任至今。主要從事機器學習、模式識别、計算機視覺等方面的研究,在這些領域的重要國際學術期刊和會議發表論文百餘篇。曾獲國家自然科學獎二等獎、國家級教學成果獎一等獎、教育部自然科學獎一等獎等多項教學、科研獎勵,入選 國際工程與技術學會(IETI)傑出會士

現任/曾任教育部高校計算機類專業教指委人工智能專家委員會委員,江蘇省計算機學會副理事長,中國圖象圖形學學會(CSIG)視覺大數據專委會 副主任,IEEE計算機學會南京分會副主席,亞太國際人工智能會議(PRICAI)指導委員會委員,CCF人工智能與模式識别專委會常委、計算機視覺專委會委員,中國人工智能學會模式識别專委會常委,《IEEE Transactions on Multimedia》、《Electronics》、《Mathematical Foundations of Computing》、《電子學報》等期刊編委,《Frontiers of Computer Science》青年編委;第15屆亞太人工智能國際會議(PRICAI’18)、第3 屆CCF 國際人工智能會議(CCF-ICAI’20)程序委員會主席(PC Chair),IJCAI、CVPR、ACMMM、ICPR、UAI、WACV等重要國際會議領域主席(Area Chair)。

更多詳情請見 PALM個人主頁


Xin Geng is a chair professor of School of Computer Science and Engineering at Southeast University, China. He received the B.Sc. (2001) and M.Sc. (2004) degrees in computer science from Nanjing University, China, and the Ph.D. (2008) degree in computer science from Deakin University, Australia. His research interests include machine learning, pattern recognition, and computer vision. He has published over 100 refereed papers in these areas, including those published in prestigious journals and top international conferences. He has been an Associate Editor of IEEE T-MM, FCS and MFC, a Steering Committee Member of PRICAI, a Program Committee Chair for conferences such as PRICAI'18, VALSE'13, etc., an Area Chair for conferences such as IJCAI, CVPR, ACMMM, ICPR, and a Senior Program Committee Member for conferences such as IJCAI, AAAI, ECAI, etc. He is a Distinguished Fellow of IETI and a Senior Member of IEEE.

For more information, please refer to his PALM homepage.

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