Jean-Louis Coatrieux 教授給bet356手机版唯一官网師生做學術報告


應 bat365官网登录入口 邀請,6月2日(周四)下午14:30 - 15:30, Jean Louis COATRIEUX 教授 給bet356手机版唯一官网師生做學術報告,具體情況如下:
Virtual neurons, artificial intelligence and deep models: the challenge simplicity vs complexity
報告人:Jean Louis COATRIEUX 教授
時間:2022年6月2日,14:30 - 15:30  
地點:bet356手机版唯一官网九龍湖校區教三 105 (同步有網上直播,直播鍊接見附件信息)

摘要:The flow of promises in magazines, newspapers, television together with the creation of new start-ups and new business observed over the last years deserves to be examined in an historical perspective. The precedents in artificial intelligence have blown hot and cold over the last century and so it is important to address pros and cons. Neurons and intelligence(s), what exactly are we talking about? Are they really inspired by biological mechanisms? Will these famous deep learning techniques with the big data change the world? What are they capable of doing? An increase of pattern recognition performance of a few percent? In the picture of the future, how to decide between simplicity vs complexity, data vs knowledge?


報告人簡曆:Jean-Louis Coatrieux教授,法國國家健康與醫學研究院(INSERM)主任研究員、法國雷恩一大教授、美國New Jersey Institute of Technology兼職教授。他是國際生物醫學工程領域享有盛譽的專家,在醫學信号與圖像處理、放射治療和醫學成像等方面取得了許多突破性研究成果。現為IEEE終身會士(IEEE Life Fellow)、美國生物醫學工程學會會士。曾任法國科技部專家委員會成員、法國國家科研中心科技委員會主席、法國國家科研署戰略指導委員會成員等。1996-2000年曾擔任生物醫學工程領域國際核心期刊IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering主編。
